gridX - press release archive

Soly relies on gridX's expertise for smart energy management
Europe's leading smart energy company, gridX, and Dutch solar startup, Soly, partner up to launch joint smart energy management solutions that enable Soly's customers to enter the next stage of clean energy homes.
Soaking up the summer sun with solar panels
In June, the sun positions ideally for effective solar power production. But with peak sun hours comes the fear that heat is preventing effective PV production. Our expert explains why PV systems are highly effective even in the summer heat.
Expert tip: How solar rooftop systems pay off in numerous ways
Investing in a solar rooftop system is more attractive than ever before. But according to our Head of Energy Management, this is just one of the many reasons why homeowners should equip their roofs with solar panels now.
gridX and Homenergy join forces for smart energy management in private households
Homenergy becomes latest partner of gridX to develop its custom energy management solution. gridX’s technology allows Homenergy in future to expand its services to digital energy services, amongst others: monitoring, maintenance and self-consumption optimization.
gridX doubles number of employees in one year
gridX focuses on growing its team instead of cutting jobs and doubles employee number in just one year. The thriving energy sector puts the scale-up in prime position to double its team size again in 2023.
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