gridX - press release archive

Why aligning energy consumption with generation makes sense
Germany seeks climate-neutrality by 2045. For this purpose, renewable energy generation is being constantly expanded. Beyond this higher expansion, citizens also have to take an important role in achieving climate neutrality. A gridX expert explains, how consumers can immediately align their electricity consumption with renewable energy generation.
gridX increases speed and agility with new customer help center
gridX has successfully launched a new customer service help center. The portal has been redesigned to enable the gridX customer support team to provide fast and customer-focused service for inquiries and issues. Reducing the processing time for all inquiries contributes to the successful growth of gridX and the success of its customers.
gridX optimizes charging infrastructure for Swiss Post’s all-electric delivery fleet
Europe's leading smart energy company gridX and Swiss logistics provider Swiss Post are joining forces to ensure seamless operations at all of Swiss Post's logistics centers when their delivery fleet goes fully electric.
Soly relies on gridX's expertise for smart energy management
Europe's leading smart energy company, gridX, and Dutch solar startup, Soly, partner up to launch joint smart energy management solutions that enable Soly's customers to enter the next stage of clean energy homes.
Soaking up the summer sun with solar panels
In June, the sun positions ideally for effective solar power production. But with peak sun hours comes the fear that heat is preventing effective PV production. Our expert explains why PV systems are highly effective even in the summer heat.
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