Grid Signal Processor

Guarantee transparent, grid-friendly control

Maximize comfort for system operators and enable cost-optimal, transparent, grid-friendly control in accordance with paragraph 14a.


Zero surprises

Maximize transparency by directly communicating consumption restrictions with end users.

100% comfort

Compensate users for control interventions while minimizing the impact on comfort.

100% cost-efficency

Fulfill the requirements for reduced grid charges, while minimizing installation costs and covering future applications.


Guarantee controllability hassle-free

Take DSO signals into account using secure communication infrastructure and pass them on locally via the gridBox to all controllable energy-consuming assets.


Control and optimize all hardware

With XENON, controllability according to §14a EnWG can be ensured via all common protocols. End users with new DERs and system operators with existing assets can profit right away.  

VALUE Stacking

Increase customer value

Next to the savings from self-sufficiency optimization and dynamic tariffs end customers in Germany can generate savings of up to €550 in reduced grid fees.

Ready to build your own §14a compliant product with gridX?

Start now


Make interventions known but not noticable

Minimize loss of comfort by compensating for consumption limits with local productions and dynamic optimization. 


The gateway for future-proof implementation of §14a EnWG

The gridBox is installed on site to locally process control signals from the smart meter - it therefore meets important regulatory requirements and ensures a stable, secure and fast connection.
Processing control signals
Digitally via EMS with locally installed gridBox
Digitally via cloud-based EMS
Analog via relay
Control transparency
Local optimization
Smooth switching
Regulatory requirements
Low latency and offline functionality
Cross-asset optimization
Independence from OEM APIs

Our self-declaration

In a real-life lab we successfully tested the "§14a-conformity" of our EMS. Learn how we turned the controlling of energy assets in accordance with §14a EnWG from theory into practice.

Read now

Additional features

What else?

Continuously process control signals, regardless of whether via SMGW + control box, future SMGW or EEBUS
Export relevant data on control interventions to fulfil documentation and information obligations
Historical data
View, analyze and track previous control interventions
Push notifications
Inform end users about control interventions via mobile and web apps
Impact indicator
Proactively communicate information about the severity of current interventions and their impact
Protocol mapping
Map common protocols (OCPP, Modbus TCP) to EEBus, to enable §14a EnWG conform control when retrofitting existing assets
Smooth switching
Enable seamless control of all connected devices across their entire operating range

Start building

With XENON you can build any application using energy appliances – from home energy management to a full-fledged VPP.

Energy Optimizer

Nutze verschiedene Prognosemodelle, um Stromflüsse zu optimieren, Betriebskosten zu senken und Autarkie zu maximieren.
Energy Optimizer

Grid Protector

Senke Netzentgelte und installiere mehr Ladepunkte mit dynamischem Lastmanagement.
Grid Protector