December 7, 2021
Last updated:

Modules - the building blocks for energy applications

Today, we’re introducing modules, combinable components that make the development of digital energy solutions on XENON even simpler and faster. Think of them as building blocks that you can combine in any way to build your very own application – without the need for any engineering resources.

When we launched XENON back in early 2020, we wanted to make the development of energy management applications as simple as possible. Over the following months, however, we noticed that customers often faced similar challenges, like protecting the main fuse when installing more EV charging stations or minimizing peaks at the grid connection point by engaging local PV systems and batteries. And while we noticed some similar challenges, we rarely saw the exact same set of challenges across different projects. That’s why today we are introducing our biggest upgrade since the start of our XENON energy platform – modules. Modules give you the power to build solutions that are tailored to your needs, easy to configure and ready to go to market faster than you previously could have dreamed of.

Develop the solutions you need

Development effort for solar charging

Prior to XENON, building any solution involving distributed energy resources meant a lot of groundwork. Adding support (i.e. monitoring and control) for a single device takes thousands of lines of code, significant engineering resources and ongoing maintenance efforts. Our XENON energy platform removed this work and gave our customers the opportunity to focus on building solutions rather than infrastructure. In fact, when we asked our engineers in an earlier blog post to write a simple script for solar charging they managed to do so with just 40 lines of code using XENON’s API. 

With modules, we take this convenience a step further. Now, you can use proven components on top of the XENON base energy platform and simply combine them to meet your individual needs. Whether you are planning to optimize grid operations like Westnetz, want to run Europe’s largest fast charging network like Fastned or have a completely different use case in mind that involves intelligently monitoring and controlling DERs – anything from energy communities to grid operations – our XENON modules have you covered. 

Only pay for what you use

To start with, we offer 14 different modules that we have divided into three categories:

  • Optimize – Everything to optimize energy flows from dynamic load management to peak shaving, from variable tariffs to maximizing self-sufficiency through automatic adaption of energy usage.
  • Access – Everything to access data from DERs and exercise further control. Provide your customers with mobile and web apps, stream your DER data directly to a system currently in use or easily develop your own logic using XENON’s API.
  • Extend – Combine fleets of DERs for bigger use cases or for the sake of our naming convention: extend existing use cases. Combine HEMS to form a smart district or pool all your DERs and trade their energy and flexibility to run a virtual power plant.

All modules can be combined to fit your use case and you’ll only pay for the modules you need and use.

Minimize your time-to-market without compromising on customization

The modules are tested and ready for use so time-to-market is on par with white label solutions. However, unlike white label solutions, you can combine the modules in any way you like and – thanks to our open architecture – even make your own adjustments to build a truly unique solution and differentiate yourself from competitors.

Get started

All modules on our website are available now – with more to come in the next few months. Want to start building your own solution with our modules or have questions/feedback? We’d love to hear from you.

Get the report!
HEMS Report 2024
As the self-sufficiency and cost benefits of a HEMS grows, so too does its demand. Energy players must invest in this software now to stay ahead of the pack and future-proof their offerings. Read our latest report to learn more.
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