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The XENON integration guide

Integrating assets and OEMs into our XENON software is essential for robust, efficient energy management. Check out our step-by-step guide and see how we have perfected this complex process.

Buy low. Sell high.

Electricity prices vary a lot throughout a day. With smart energy management consumers can shift their loads to off-peak periods – saving costs and emissions.

Germany's duck curve – Integrating renewables into smart grids

California’s duck curve is now a canyon curve due to high solar production. The same is happening in Europe. Learn why demand-side flexibility is the key.
Life at gridX

Workation - Combining work and vacation

Workation improves mental health, reduces stress and prevents burnout. gridX employees are able to work up to 70 days a year abroad in the EU.

Why energy flexibility is still only provided by large-scale power plants

Regulation must be the catalyst to bring energy flexibility to small-scale renewable assets and maximize self-sufficiency.

Why phase optimization matters

To improve EV charging speed and enhance the utilization of available electricity capacity, understanding phase management, and how to optimize it, is crucial.

Communication is key: The importance of OCPP

OCPP facilitates communication between EV charging stations and energy management systems. Learn about open standards, OCPI and 3rd-party proxies.

Winter is coming: The importance of power to heat

Rising gas prices and high emissions in the heating sector call for a rapid uptake of heat pumps. Digital solutions are also needed to scale electrical heating.

Why it’s time to switch to a job in renewable energy

Sustainable jobs, particularly jobs in renewable energy, are on the rise – a booming industry means more security, impact and faster career progression.

4 steps to becoming energy efficient and self-sufficient

The best way to protect yourself from volatile energy prices is by becoming more energy efficient and self-sufficient with clean energy technologies.
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