
Energy is the fundamental force that powers our world. From the electricity that lights up our homes to the fuel that propels our cars, energy is an essential component of modern life. In our energy posts, we explore the latest developments in energy technology, policy, and innovation.
Local energy optimization and DSO signal integration under §14a EnWG
Learn how to put §14a EnWG into practice by managing grid control signals and optimizing energy consumption locally to maximize value for end users.
Four market developments that highlight the importance of an adaptable HEMS
Home energy management is different in every market and changes constantly – from paragraph 14a to FCR to imbalance markets – making an adaptable HEMS vital.
What gridX has learned from Paragraph 14a EnWG so far
Find out from an energytech expert how Paragraph 14a of Germany’s Energy Industry Act (EnWG) can be implemented in practice.
Digging into the layers: How flexibility value stacking is like a trifle
How is flexibility value stacking like a trifle? Two words: delicious layers. It unlocks potential with implicit and explicit flexibility.
8 underrated countries leading the way in renewable energy
Discover the hidden champions of renewable energy. We take a look at the 8 unsung heroes paving the way to a clean energy future. Number 7 may surprise you.
VAT, BESS and HEMS: The UK’s new tax relief for energy storage batteries
The UK is expanding its tax relief to all battery storage systems. The move is being seen as a great benefit for consumers, energy players and sustainability.
The Building Energy Act: Germany’s push for clean heating
Germany kicks off the year with a new law on renewable heating. Learn more about the changes for homeowners and which heating systems must be replaced.
Paragraph 14a – We clarify your 12 most burning questions
Paragraph 14a of Germany’s Energy Industry Act (EnWG) came into force on 1 January 2024, and is causing confusion. gridX and PPC answer 12 common questions.
Stop and go: Italy’s rocky road to energy stability
Italy’s shifting e-mobility market is in need of stability. New regulation incentivizing EV adoption and a free utility market are positive signs of change.